Friday, September 28, 2012

The Arts United

The Arts United Issue #2 used five of my images and put this one on the cover! The digital version of the magazine is free on the website, or you can order it for $20. Check it out! I gave my snake, Dr. Sheldon Waterbottom, to Marci for her Middle School biology class. I miss him already. Also, I've started reading Michel Serre. He is a little difficult, but so interesting.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lauren Kirby's India Update

Lauren Kirby is a good friend and one of the most wonderful radio talents I know. She is funny, smart, humble...I know you will enjoy her vlog. Seriously.

Monday, September 17, 2012

New Paintings

Here is an update on the new paintings. I am thinking about the hermetic axiom "As above, so below" in relation to our gut microflora. I think I want to make inverted worlds where the microflora surounds a house, tent, or figure as the landscape or heavenly bodies that look down on us. We are embedded in, and indebted to, these eco-spirits. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

To the Bird

Here are some of my student's work.  
 Im very happy with these "process" drawings. 

Jack and I are going to do the Color Run next weekend. It will be my first race. 
And here are more memes for you. 
 and more male roles

 male roles

#Integral Sexuality/Gender/Ethics

oh relationships 
 more white male gender roles.
It's interesting that all the highschool school shootings have been done by white boys who were called faggot or emasculated in some way (see Kimmel, 2012. Manhood in America.) However their whiteness and gender never really made it into the discussion.   

 i like this structure

 great realist paintings of our houses from above by Amy Bennett. they look like toys (first she builds tiny models and then she paints them).


 Thanks for the tiny worlds, Tessa Farmer.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

First Thesis Meeting

I had my first thesis committee meeting Friday. They told me my strengths and weaknesses, steered me around the “stage and curtain” motif I’ve been working with, and instead supported my thesis statement about tiny naked bodies inserted into unstructured, "neo-romantic" scenery. They particularly liked this painting. I think the remixed figure can act like a jewel embedded in stone…They also liked my idea to insert my own body and those of my friends. Instead of appearing narcissistic, they decided that lofty, impersonal, universal pronouncements are more egotistical, and using my own body may actually evince humility. What do you think? My first assignment is to paint 30 small paintings, one a day, riffing on themes of vulnerability, nature, and death, and then they will choose which ones are the strongest and in need of focus. I’m so excited!!! 

May all beings be Free and in Love.

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