Thursday, November 16, 2006


All these videos have been compressed so the quality and sound are pretty bad. sorry.

Here is a video I made a while back about water and light.

and one about the Saijo festival, Chiiori, Naoshima, and a japanese car garage

and the video of Rick and Shikoku

and the short version of my Trip to Kansas


David said...

David, i love the short film about light and water. Beautiful.
You have a delightful eye for this world.
I pray that you are surrounded by wonderful spirits.
Lots of love to you.

Anonymous said...

I am so homesick for Japan after watching the video with the part about Saijo Matsuri. So homesick.

I miss Japan so much!!

Hope you are happy and healthy, my friend.

May all beings be Free and in Love.

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