Sunday, May 21, 2006

I splash and play in the fountian of warm, orange light

Saturday night I went to a bbq/birthday party in the neighboring town, Doi, and I was confronted again and again with my and other’s sexuality. I brought to the bbq some ingredients for miso soup. TO my luck, some nice Japanese friends taught me top-secret techniques in making miso soup. Now I know. I ate miso soup three times today.
I spent the night in Doi, waking up with Abbie at 6:30 to take the first train back to Niihama, where Yasu picked us up to go to zazen. I was surprised to see so many students on the train that early on a Sunday. I kept dozing off during meditation, I was so tired, and one time when I was particularly comfortable, without warning, CRACK! The zen stick slammed down on someone close to me and I felt a shock, an electric shock of energy explode throughout my entire body. Awake, alert, heart pounding, skin tingling. I arrive again and again, being and becoming, bringing the small spot on the wall before me in and out of focus, again and again. Around me/within me, a shower of birdcalls and bells, a subtle smell of incense and honeysuckle, an itch above my right eyebrow, and a warm, sleepy feeling inside my legs and tummy.
Once home, Abbie gave me something that moved me very deeply. It was something that I had lost long ago. Something that I had missed dearly for some time, but which, like so many important things in my life, I had forgotten. She gave me Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. The Cheesiest. Original flavor. Double the calcium. This was the highlight of my weekend. I ate it slowly, savoring espeacially each of the secret little clumps of undisolved cheese powder. I licked the bowl with my orange tongue and then I was done.
Then we went to see The Da Vinci Code. I thought it was ok. And kinda like the macaroni and cheese. But the book was cheesy too. Don't get me wrong. I couldn't put the little devil down. It was a great ride. Similar to how Macaroni and Cheese is a great ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

May all beings be Free and in Love.

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